Episode 46: Four Technologies That Nobody Realizes Will Change the Future

Rosie from the Jetsons, realizing that nobody ever valued her contributions. Ever.

Rosie from the Jetsons, realizing that nobody ever valued her contributions. Ever.

Everybody obsesses about A.I., nanotech, space travel and robots. But the technologies nobody pays much attention to could have an equally significant impact on our world. Like artificial wombs, smart toilets, new forms of public transportation, and new cleaning machines.

Notes, citations, etc.

Artificial Wombs

An extra-uterine system to physiologically support the extreme premature lamb (paper in Nature Communications)

A Unique Womb-Like Device Could Reduce Mortality and Disability for Extremely Premature Babies (CHOP news)

The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold (book series)

Uterine replicators! (Tor.com)

Test tube babies

Designer babies

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (novel)

The Matrix Trilogy (movies)

The Borg (Star Trek)

Gattaca (movie)

Dreams Before the Start of Time by Anne Charnock (novel)

Demolition Man (movie)

“Trapped in the Bathroom!” by Charlie Jane Anders (story)

The human microbiome

Smart toilets

Cleansing wands (Kohler)

Reinventing the Toilet Challenge & Expo

Why Did Bill Gates Give A Talk With A Jar Of Human Poop By His Side? (NPR)

AI-based Toilet Checks Feces Shape, Size (Nikkei)

A Winning Sanitation Solution (Caltech)


Harmony by Project Itoh (novel)

Sewing machines

The history of washing machines

Vacuum Cleaner History

The Jetsons (TV series)

Aunt Bee (character)

Metropolis (movie)

Marshall McLuhan (futurist)

The Mechanical Bride (1951)

Star Trek

Sonic Shower (Star Trek)

Roomba Robot Vacuum Cleaners

3-D printers

Food in Science Fiction (NPR)

Moving Walkways in Science Fiction (Wikipedia)

“The Roads Must Roll” by Robert A. Heinlein (short story)

Rule 34 by Charles Stross (novel)

Hot Tub Time Machine 2 (movie)

Pod Cars

Spider-Man 2 (movie)

Incredibles 2 (movie)

Speed (movie)

Silver Streak (movie)

“Marge vs. the Monorail” (Simpsons episode)

Jetpacks: why aren't we all flying to work?

Flying cars (Wikipedia)

Lilium VTOL taxis

Hyperloop One

Charlie Jane Anders