Episode 28: What's the Matter With Westeros?
Daenerys and Jon Snow show off their matching fur outfits
Game of Thrones comes back in a couple of weeks, so we're thinking about the politics of George R.R. Martin's fantasy world. What would a satisfying ending to this show look like? Can our heroes defeat the ice zombies AND solve Westeros' crisis of governance? And how exactly does the Iron Bank function?
Game of Thrones (TV series)
A Song of Ice and Fire (book series by George R.R. Martin)
George R.R. Martin: the Complete Unedited Interview (io9)
Caligula (Roman emperor)
Nero (Roman emperor)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (movie)
Samuel Pepys (diarist)
Discworld (book series by Terry Pratchett)
The Laundry Files (book series by Charles Stross)
Princess Mononoke (anime film)
Harry Potter (book series by J.K. Rowling)
Gringotts Bank (bank in the Harry Potter books)
The Calculating Stars (book by Mary Robinette Kowal)
The Fated Sky (book by Mary Robinette Kowal)
Bannerless (book by Carrie Vaughn)
The Wild Dead (book by Carrie Vaughn)