Episode 34: How to Write a Good Ending
Daenerys and Paul McCartney have one thing in common: Wings
Everybody knows that endings are hard, and we all love to complain about the way our favorite TV show or movie ended. But with both Game of Thrones and the Avengers movies coming to an end, this is a perfect time to think about what makes for a good ending. And how the heck do you write one?
Works cited, etc:
Avengers: Endgame (2019 movie)
Game of Thrones (TV series)
Arrow (TV series)
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (movie)
His Dark Materials (book trilogy by Philip Pullman)
The Golden Compass (2007 movie)
Blake’s 7 (TV series)
Pixar (animation studio)
Toy Story 3 (movie)
The LEGO Movie (2014 movie)
Battlestar Galactica (TV series)
Galactica 1980 (TV series)
Westworld (TV series)
ZZ Top (band)
Supernatural (TV series)
Steven Universe (TV series)
A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (movie)
Waterworld (1995 movie)
Joss Whedon (writer/director)
Free Advice (writing advice column at io9)
Zoetrope: All-Story (magazine)
Wreck-It Ralph (2012 movie)
Frozen (2013 movie)
A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers (book)
The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers (book)
The Future of Another Timeline by Annalee Newitz
The Third Man (1949 movie)
Graham Greene (writer)
The Age of Innocence (1993 movie)
The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton (book)
J.J. Abrams (writer/director)
“Big Balls” (song by AC/DC)
Lost Girl (TV series)
El Ministerio del Tiempo (TV series)