Episode 86: Becoming One with the Hive Mind
The ultimate hive mind. Photo by Alex Wild.
Why are there so many science fiction stories about hive minds, or vast networks of interconnected brains, thinking together? In this episode, we discuss the pleasure and danger of merging consciousness with another person -- or a whole planet. Plus, we talk to Benjamin Rosenbaum (The Unraveling) and Elly Bangs (Unity) about hiveminds in their new novels!
Notes, Citations & Etc.
Elly Bangs, Unity
Benjamin Rosenbaum, The Unraveling
“Brain-Computer Interface Smashes Previous Record for Typing Speed,” IEEE Spectrum
Robo-Rats on video
“Robo-rat controlled by brain electrodes,” New Scientist
“Now you can control living cockroaches with an app,” io9.com
“Meet the worst ants in the world,” Ars Technica, which deals with the ways ants communicate
“The waggle dance of the honeybee,” video from Georgia Tech
“Could humans evolve into a giant hive mind?” io9.com
“Q Who,” by Maurice Hurley, the Star Trek: TNG episode that introduced the Borg
“Made for Love,” TV series created by Patrick Somerville, based on the novel by Alissa Nutting
Theodore Sturgeon, More Than Human
Arthur C. Clarke, Childhood’s End
Rudy Rucker, Post-Singular
Greg Bear, Blood Music
Linda Nagata, The Bohr Maker (part of her nanopunk series)
Ramez Naam, Nexus