Episode 107: Academia, Dark and Light
In the movie Maurice, based on a secret novel written by EM Forster in the early twentieth century, sexy academic love blooms between two students.
Why has darkness descended upon the university? We talk about the dark academia aesthetic, from Donna Tartt's "The Secret History" to the show "Dear White People." What defines this aesthetic, and how does it shed light on current traumas within the academy? Also -- why is it so gay? Academic Ana Quiring joins us to discuss all this and more.
Notes, citations, & etc.
Ana Quiring (also on Twitter)
“What’s Dark About Dark Academia,” by Ana Quiring (LA Review of Books)
Cottagecore (from the aesthetics wiki)
Ralph Lauren’s fall clothing line, inspired by HBCUs (O Magazine)
“Academia Lives — on TikTok,” by Kristen Bateman (NY Times)
“The Scholarship of Sexy Privilege: Why Do I Love Dark Academia Books?” by Zoe Robertson (Book Riot)
“The ‘Dark Academia’ Subculture Offers a Fantasy Alternative to the Neoliberal University,” by Amelia Horgan (Jacobin)