How Surveillance Dystopias Came True (with Wole Talabi)
Person of Interest is one of the best representations of a world where everybody is constantly being watched
You are being watched. Pop culture used to be full of vivid warnings about Big Brother watching you. What does it mean that we're now under constant surveillance for real? Plus we talk to Wole Talabi about his new story collection Convergence Problems.
Notes, citations, & etc.
Wole Talabi’s website, Bluesky profile and Instagram
His new short story collection is called Convergence Problems
He is also the author of Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon
Jeremy Bentham wrote Panopticon or Inspection House in 1791.
Michel Foucault wrote Discipline and Punish in 1975
San Francisco just granted greater surveillance power to the police
Here’s a Reddit thread where they debate why there are no surveillance cameras in the TV show Severance